Speak, See & Hear no Evil – It’s my Nature

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by rebecca guyver

egg tempera on panel

h: 25 w: 30 d: 1 (cms).

This painting is free floated in a limed white frame. I chose Kikazaru (hear no evil) as a character in this drama. The countrywoman mustard pot and the owl represent the other natures. I grow most of the flowers in my still life paintings, many dahlias didn’t make it through last winter. The orange dinner-plate in contrast to the blue was how I started this painting.

£500 (As exhibited.)

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Fruits of her Labour

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by rebecca guyver

egg tempera on panel

h: 26 w: 19 d: 1 (cms).

'He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist', Francis of Assisi. I set this exciting still life up the same day that I finished the previous painting. It lurked, I swooned at the colour and tried to decide what I was going to say. The semi-intentionality of setting up a still life is the launchpad of my painting, it’s part of the hard work. To be honest, for me, the hardest part is waiting to get started and giving things time to percolate and giving way to the life of life.

£440 (As exhibited.)

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