Hot Flush

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by komachi goto

oil on board

h: 24 w: 18 d: 1 (cms).

Hot flush, my painting is about myself and how I am dealing with various menopause symptoms. One of it is the hot flush, I have had this sudden heat, mostly on my face, for last ten years or so. Usually I ignore it as its passes quick enough and no time to do much about it. But as my other Job is life drawing model and often used as portraiture model and as I feel sudden heat climbing up my face, I can see artists have to stop or observing my ever changing tone For this self portrait, I have worked from live, with mirror and when hot flush hit, I took photos of myself and worked from photograph too. I didn’t realized how red/orange I turn. Hot flush is not pleasant experience but I can’t be bothered by it as it happens so often and had been for so long, and I joke about it. If I could ride above my embarrassment, if I could whistle it away I would, even only in paintings.

£1200 (As exhibited.)

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